What “buying smart” means and how to do it, thanks to online reviews

Buying a product should not be done without a minimum of organization and preparation. During your buying process, you will go through different phases. Each of them requires choices to be made and procedures to be followed. Here is a 5-step guide on how to buy smart.

What type of product do you want?

 Defining the criteria for the product you want to buy is a step that should not be overlooked. The more you refine your needs and desires, the more efficient you will be in your search for the ideal product.

What budget do you have?

Product prices are very high these days due to inflation. Before looking to see if there are products that match your criteria, you must first check if you have the necessary budget for this kind of purchase.

Efficiently sort the products offered to you online or in ads

The search engine is sufficiently developed today to allow you to do precise searches for products according to your criteria and your budget. For instance, if it’s clothing and accessories you want to buy, you can search up fashion clothes companies and compare their prices.

Learn about the product in your local market

For instance, if you want to buy a house, there are thousands of real estate micro-markets in which you can compare prices. Same as buying any other products. The price may be lower in your local market compared to online. Also, you will save yourself a delivery fee.

Checkup online reviews

Doing all the four steps above might not be enough if you exclude online reviews. US-reviews is one such online reviews platform you should visit to read different customers’ opinions on the product you want to buy. These will help you make the right decision.

Importance of Reviews in Buying Smart

Most of us order things online. Some have made a mastery of the art to get the best product at the best price. At the forefront of e-commerce solution providers are companies and brands that have built a good online reputation, and customers’ reviews contribute significantly to this. Capterra interviewed 500 participants, primarily wanting to find out how important reviews are and to gain insights that can help companies with their online reputation management.

According to the study, 26 percent of customers read online reviews before making any purchase. Only four percent said they never do this. A full 36 percent of the participants said that they would trust online customer ratings the most when buying a product – more than expert opinions or recommendations from friends and acquaintances.

77 percent of buyers have already written an online review – 43 percent said they did so to help other users. According to the results of the study, however, most reviews write the very satisfied or very dissatisfied users – very satisfied more often than dissatisfied, which, according to the participants, was partly because a bonus was paid for writing the review. In terms of the impact online customer reviews can have on a company’s reputation, this number is pretty frightening. 60 percent of those surveyed stated that company ratings are not or not enough taken into account. Good customer service and a professional website include reacting to reviews – regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

Part of the findings of capture points out the fact that buying with online reviews is a crucial step in buying smart.