First, tips on how to dress that make you look slim is to recognize your body shape first. This is important and be the main thing before you do the mix and match experiment that you have. Recognizing your body shape can make you appreciate the advantages and disadvantages it has.
Every woman’s body shape is different, some are shaped like apples, pears, sand glasses, and newspapers. You should be able to recognize the dominant body shape to which form. Then understand the lack of body for example there are certain parts that make you less comfortable or less confident.
Once you recognize your body shape and understand which parts of the body make you feel uncomfortable, you will definitely be able to mix and match easily. This is because you already know what you want to highlight and what you want to cover so that you look more perfect and you also feel comfortable and confident.
Get used to dress with vertical lines
Second, the way to dress that makes you look slim is to get used to clothes that have vertical lines. Vertical stripes will make your body look slimmer because straight lines form curves.
Of course it is very easy to find clothes with vertical lines that are fashionable and elegant, especially if your clothes are made of cotton, surely you will look slim and elegant. Then, you are also advised to avoid clothing with horizontal lines because it will make your body become fuller.
For those of you with newspaper type bodies, it might not be a problem using vertical or horizontal lines but for other types of body owners it is recommended not to wear clothes with horizontal lines. This is because horizontal lines will make your body look more volume.
Choose Clothes with Dark Colors
Third, how to dress that makes you look slim is the right color selection, for example choose clothes with dark colors. Black, navy, or maroon are dark colors that you can choose to make your appearance look slimmer.
Dark colors are known to make the body look slimmer and able to cover fatty body parts because of its intense and intense color. You do not need to worry too much monotonous with dark colors, because you can still outsmart by choosing a contemporary model.
Furthermore, in addition to color, things you need to consider also the motif of clothing worn. Try to avoid clothing with motifs and pictures, unless the motif forms a vertical direction and is not large.