Solar Integrated Roofing Agency Announces a Q&A Session Live on Discord on August 19th, 2021, at 7 PM EST

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Solar Integrated Roofing Corp, a company that specializes in the installation of single-source solar power and ceiling systems declared that a question and answer session will be held with investors live on discord on Thursday, the 19th of August 2021 at 7 PM EST.

Investors are permitted to participate in the question and answers session by following a unique link that would direct them to a specific Discord channel.

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The Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Solar Integrated Roofing Agency, David Massey stated that as discord is continually used by the company to engage with investors, they feel it will create an avenue for interaction with shareholders. Also, there have been several positive feedbacks from investors due to the monthly question and answer sessions and it has been a welcomed development from the team as it creates an avenue to interact with shareholders. His team is anticipating and optimistic about the upcoming event and ready to provide answers to questions from investors concerning the company and its efforts in the industry. He also indicated that Pablo Diaz of the US Solar Network would be part of the month’s question and answer session, offering insights on potential developments in the industry.

Create a free account on Discord through the link to participate in the company’s questions and answer session.

About Solar Integrated Roofing Agency

Solar Integrated Roofing Agency specializes in the installation of ceiling and single-source solar power systems in both residential and commercial building structures in the United States. The agency focuses on ensuring that customers enjoy the best experience by introducing cutting-edge innovation and legacy-centric leadership. Some of the solutions provided by the company are the installation of electric vehicles (EV) and battery charging stations, solar energy systems, HVAC, and other electrical solutions.

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Forward-looking Statements

A couple of forward-looking statements can be found in statements available in this press release absent of historical facts, as described in the 1995 Private Security Litigation Reform Act, as regards possible developments that impact financial situations, potential clients, business, and other areas that are related to this release. The specific outcomes of the items detailed in the release as well as the general operation of the company might have a material difference in what is identified in the forward-looking statements. Even though these statements are dependent on the optimum decisions made by the administrative segment of the company as at the time of releasing the press statement, timing, major deviations in magnitude as well as other elements might be caused by uncertainties and business risks such as the economic and market conditions, revenue receipts, provision of external capital, the dependence of the company on third parties and many other elements, which exceeds the capacity of the company. The company provides a disclaimer on updating the information available in the forward-looking statement. The press release should not be considered as any form of general solicitation.

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